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About MIDI FXs:

NGEN features a number of different MIDI FX's that can be used to manipulate and enhance sequences played by the Generators non-distructively.

MIDI FXs Parameters:

As with Generators, each MIDI FXs contains a set of parameters that can be adjusted via the MIDI FX sub-menu available in the MAIN MENU.

While in the MIDI FX sub-menu, the most relevant parameters for selected MIDI FX are mapped to the NGEN's potentiometers:

  • 4 Parameters mapped to the potentiometers directly.
  • 4 Additional parameters are accesible by holding down FUNCTION while moving the potentiometers.

Certain MIDI FX's also use the GENERATE button to generate new internal sequences.

List of Available MIDI FXs:


Accent changes the MIDI velocity of incoming MIDI notes according to it's internal velocity sequence in order to create more repeatable and prominent accent patterns.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Generate Generates a new accent sequence GENERATE
Length Length of the accent sequence PARAM 2
Intensity Increases the velocity of all MIDI notes to 127 PARAM 3


Chords transforms single notes into chords by adding up to 4 notes on top of incoming notes based on specified intervals. There's also an option to quantize those additional notes or leave them unquantized.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Quantize Quantizes all intervals to the active key / scale
Chord Interval 1 Interval of the first chord note PARAM 1
Chord Interval 2 Interval of the second chord note PARAM 2
Chord Interval 3 Interval of the third chord note PARAM 3
Chord Interval 4 Interval of the third chord note PARAM 4
Probability Probability of triggering a chord FUNCTION + PARAM 3


Echoes is a MIDI delay effect that creates additional notes delayed by the specified delay time.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Delay Time Delay time in milliseconds PARAM 1
Feedback Feedback amount PARAM 2
Probability (PROB) Probability of the echoes PARAM 3
Falloff (FALLOFF) MIDI Velocity falloff of the echoes PARAM 4
Octave Random (OCT RND) Randomizes the octave of the echoes FUNCTION + PARAM 1


The Glitch MIDI FX can be used to mangle and glith up sequences via a random ratcheting processor and pitch / velocity modulation. It's great for spicing up sequences and adding some IDM-style glitches to a performance.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Repeats Maximum number of note ratchets PARAM 1
Gate Length Length of the note ratchets PARAM 2
Probability Probability of a glitch happening PARAM 3
Random Amount of glitch randomization PARAM 4
Pitch Mod Enables octave randomization


Humanizer is designed to make sequences sound more natural as if it was played by a human. It works by adding random amounts of delay and velocity modulation to incoming notes.

It's great for making polyphonic sequences sound less mechanical and static.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Delay Probability (DLY PROB) Probability of delaying a MIDI note PARAM 1
Velocity Probability (VEL PROB) Probability of a modulating a note's velocity PARAM 2
Max Delay Maximum delay length PARAM 3
Velocity Modulation (VEL MOD) Depth of velocity modulation PARAM 4


The Modulator FX can be used for modulating MIDI control changes (CC) of external instruments. A common use-case would be to use it to modulate a filter cutoff frequency of a synthesizer via MIDI CC.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Generate Generates a new modulation sequence GENERATE
Send Sends a CC message (for mapping purposes) FUNCTION + GENERATE
Sequence Amount (SEQ AMOUNT) Amount of sequence modulation PARAM 1
Length Length of the modulation sequence PARAM 2
Offset Sets the offset value (minimum value) PARAM 3
Depth Sets the modulation depth (maximum value) PARAM 4
CC Out CC number to send


The Program Sequencer MIDI FX offer a way of sequencing MIDI Program Changes creatively. When used with synthesizer / drum machines that respond quickly to program changes, these program change sequences will make it sound as if there are multiple different instruments being played sequentially.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Generate Generates a new program change sequence GENERATE
Length Length of the program change sequence PARAM 2
Hits Number of MIDI notes needed to advance the sequence PARAM 3
Max Program (MAX PROG) Maximum program change number PARAM 4
Sync Waits for the next clock pulse to send the next program change
Step 1 Sets the program change number of the first step FUNCTION + PARAM 1
Step 2 Sets the program change number of the second step FUNCTION + PARAM 2
Step 3 Sets the program change number of the third step FUNCTION + PARAM 3
Step 4 Sets the program change number of the fourth step FUNCTION + PARAM 4
Step 5 Sets the program change number of the fifth step
Step 6 Sets the program change number of the sixth step
Step 7 Sets the program change number of the seventh step
Step 8 Sets the program change number of the eighth step


The Shaper MIDI FX scales incoming MIDI notes based on an adjustable pitch and velocity range. It also includes options to multiply note lengths and to map MIDI notes to different MIDI channels based on their pitch (useful for triggering certain drum machines / samplers such as the Elektron Digitakt and Octatrack).

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Mode (MODE) Sets the mode of the Shaper (Clip / Scale / Drop) FUNCTION + PARAM 1
Pitch Minimum (PITCH MIN) Lowest possible note (0-127) PARAM 1
Pitch Maximum (PITCH MAX) Highest possible note (0-127) PARAM 2
Velocity Minimum (VEL MIN) Lowest possible velocity (0-127) PARAM 3
Velocity Maximum (VEL MAX) Highest possible velocity (0-127) PARAM 4
Length Multiplier (LEN MULT) Multiplies the length of incoming MIDI notes FUNCTION + PARAM 2
Channel Mapping (CH Map) Maps incoming MIDI notes to different MIDI channels based on their pitch *
Map Pitch (Map Pitch) Sets the pitch of converted MIDI notes (while in Ch Map) FUNCTION + PARAM 3

* Pitch Based Channel Mapping

C notes are mapped to the Track's Output Channel and all other pitches are mapped according to their distance from C (in semitones), so D notes are mapped to Out Ch + 2, D# to Out CH + 3, and so on. After being mapped to their respective channels, all notes are set to the same pitch (Map Pitch).


The Spray MIDI FX creates a delay-like effect by generating copies of incoming MIDI notes based on probability and random delay time.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Max Delay Maximum delay time (in milliseconds) PARAM 1
Max Repeats Maximum number of repetitions of delayed notes (similarto feedback) PARAM 2
Probability (PROB) Probability of spraying a note PARAM 3
Falloff (FALLOFF) MIDI Velocity falloff of sprayed notes PARAM 4
Octave Random (OCT RND) Randomizes the octave of the sprayed notes FUNCTION + PARAM 1
Velocity Random (VEL RND) Randomizes the velocity of the sprayed notes FUNCTION + PARAM 2


The Strum MIDI FX can be used to create a strumming effect by adding a short random delay between notes received within the same 1/16 clock step.

List of Parameters:

Parameter Description Hardware Mapping
Max Delay Maximum delay time (in milliseconds) PARAM 1
Velocity Multiplier (VEL MULT) Decreases the delay time according to MIDI velocity PARAM 2
Random Switches between sequence or random order for the delay time PARAM 3